English version Versi�n espa�ol
  1. The regular section devoted to PhD dissertations is intended as a way of communication among researchers. Therefore, it consists in the publication of a summary of the doctoral thesis in Estudios de Economia Aplicada.
  2. In the printed version, the summary of a PhD dissertation will have a reference to author and title and will include an electronic reference number under "Selection of Thesis", either in the Monograph Section or in the Open Section. The electronic version will include the complete summary (.pdf) of the PhD dissertation which will be incorporated into the database search engine.
  3. The summary of a PhD dissertation will be published in English or Spanish like any other article of Estudios de Economía Aplicada.
  4. Priority will be given to PhD dissertations of less than 5 years for the Monograph Section and less than 2 years for the Open Section.
  5. For the purpose of the editing process the summary of a PhD dissertation must comply with the instructions included in Structure and Instructions.
Structure and Instructions


1) Information.

University and Assessment date:
JEL Classification:
Access to the full document:
If your PhD dissertation has been published in its entirety, please indicate the bibliographical reference. If your PhD dissertation is accessible via Internet (electronic databases of PhD dissertations, links to online publications, etc..) indicate the URL address. On the other hand, if you are only willing to provide the readers with individual chapters or the entire document, please let us know the email address from which it can be requested.
Publications: If derived from or relating to your PhD dissertation you have published articles in journals, book chapters, etc, let us know the full bibliographical references.

2) Author summary.

On one page include key ideas and contributions of the PhD dissertation (Times New Roman, 11p, line spacing 1.5)

3) Thesis content.

List of contents: chapters, or even, a first level of disaggregation by sections.

4) Recommended bibliography.

As a specialist in the subject, the authors should direct readers of the summary to the most relevant literature with a few references (roughly 5 titles).
All this information, in Word format, should be sent to:

secretaria.exterior@revista-eea.net .

The full summary will be published, immediately, in the electronic version of Estudios de Economía Aplicada (www.revista-eea.net ). In addition, the next printed issue will incorporate a list of summaries of PhD dissertations accessible through the electronic version. We will distinguish between PhD dissertations directly connected to the contents of the Monograph Section and the rest, which will be included in the Open Section. Of course, the author will be informed when and where the summary will appear in the printed version.

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